
Our mission is to get the right people in Washington. America-loving patriots who will fight for our nation’s future, and the futures of our children and grandchildren.

Right now, too many in Washington fight for one thing. Themselves and their political career.

That’s not how we do things in South Dakota. Here we stand up for our friends and neighbors. We know a rising tide lifts all boats. We’re going to support candidates for the U.S. House and U.S. Senate who not only talk about those principles but live them.

Joe Biden’s America is not our vision for a strong American future. Our vision doesn’t include an open border, rampant crime, out-of-control inflation, empty store shelves and Communist China on the move around the globe.

It’s no exaggeration to say our nation hangs in the balance.We owe it to future generations to step up now, reverse the disastrous course our country is on and lay the groundwork that will guarantee a free, prosperous and safe future. And it starts with expanding our House majority and Reclaiming the Senate.

We hope you’ll join us.
Join Kristi PAC now